Personal Ceremony
The need for personal ceremony arises when we are at a threshold in our lives.
Just as ceremony serves to heal communities and bring people together, so it serves to heal us as individuals and bring us closer to our true nature. Ceremony is an act of declaration, a prayer made physical. A way of connecting with the more than human world, our ancestors, and the power of our souls knowing. Some signs that you are quite possibly ready to take this step into ceremony are listed below. This is not a complete list, your soul will know when the call has come, listen to this voice.
You feel a deep longing for things to be different in your life, a sense there is more for you.
You are going through upheaval, shedding skins, or molting into something new.
You are carrying pain that you are ready to release.
Your ancestors are calling for you to do healing work for your family.
You want to deepen your connection to your soul, the land, and ancestry.
You are at a threshold in your life and know that change has come or is coming.
If you feel called towards ceremony, to mark an ending, to celebrate a beginning, to grieve a deep loss, or to gain insight and wisdom, I can help you learn the tools and skills to create meaningful ceremony in your own life.
Together we will explore the call inside your heart, give voice to your longing, and craft a ceremony to take you into the mystery. This is a profound practice and initiation. The earth will hold you and guide you as you step through the threshold into a new life, welcoming all that is to come and leaving behind that which no longer serves you in this time.
There is nothing too small, or too large to mark with sacred ceremony, and having guidance on the path can serve you to grow in your capacity to create ceremonies of your own. Bringing the sacred into your life and learning to hear and honor the still small voice within.
My Fee is $100 per session. Sessions are 75 minutes. We will meet on Zoom or, if preferred, in person in the Portland Oregon area. Generally, we will do a minimum of two sessions. One to dream into and craft the ceremony, and one as a follow-up for mirroring and integration.
It would be my great honor and delight to work with you in this realm. Please reach out if you wish to schedule a complimentary discovery call to see if this work is right for you at this time.